Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FREE Career Seminars with ProLango

At a couple recent OCA meetings, we've heard of a group over on the East side that is offering up free career seminars for the job seeker. Paul Anderson runs ProLango and bills himself as a "career psychology consultant."

In addition, ProLango is hosting a Career Mixer on Monday, September 21st, over in Bellevue. Click here for details.

"Using his background in psychology and communications Anderson specializes in helping his clients achieve stronger sales, effective communication, top careers, and masterful public speaking. His unique combination of communication and business psychology enables executives and businesses to significantly improve performance and productivity."

Upcoming seminars:
Resume Writing 2.0 Seminar
- Learn WHY your resume doesn’t work in Today’s market.
- The importance of personal branding and why it’s so useful.
- Do cover letters work? What purpose do they serve?

Career Search 2.0 Seminar
- Why is it so hard to find a job today?
- Why Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) is the gateway to finding new opportunities.
- Where to find positions that are never posted publicly.
- What recruiters won’t tell you about your permanent hiring record

Psychology of Interviewing Seminar
- Why is it so hard to pass an interview?
- Take advantage of the number one hiring mistake that most managers make.
- How to leverage psychology to pass any interview.

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