Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Notes from 6/18-7/16 - Catching Up

In the past 5 weeks, we've had four OCA meetings, only taking time out for the 4th of July holiday weekend. At most of these recent meetings, we've focused on helping each other, working on our own "personal brands." We've reviewed and critiqued resumes and portfolios and delved further into how to position ourselves with perspective hiring companies.

We've discussed the conundrum of "finding a job to get buy" vs. "finding a job that is right for me AND the hiring company. A recent conversation also brought about the notion of being "Overqualified" - and you could see the exasperation on the faces of those who had heard that word before, a word that can, unfortunately, sometimes keep you from making your case with a hiring manager. It's a label tossed around by recruiters that can mean one of several notions:

- "You're a flight risk." As soon as the economy starts to really turn around, you'll leave for a better job.
- "You'll be bored." Someone with your experience and expertise would not be happy operating at this position's level. See notion #1.
- "We can't afford you." We can't pay what you're worth or expecting to make. See notion #1.

Ask anyone who's been looking for a job for a while if they'd be OK taking a lower salary than they'd previously made. While you're at it, ask them if they'd be bored working for a new company, learning the culture, and absorbing information about new products and services. Regarding flight risk, someone yesterday said, "Are you kidding me? After looking for this long, a company would have to push me out the door before I'd consider leaving."

Welcome to new OCA member:
Cary Seely, previous Sustainability Account Exec/Business Development at Grays Harbor Paper.

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