Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Agenda item for 9/6/13

Relationship redux

After getting ones own act together the next big task is rallying your resources. Who's on your side and who do you want on your side?

This week we're going to continue our talk about nurturing more productive relationships; acquiring mentors, coaches, collaborators, and co-conspirators; and all that goes into that. (Special Surprise: I've drafted up a simple 20 min exercise I want to try out on you.)

After our brief check-in we'll move on to make the most of the meeting -
To organize your check-in please use this form: (link here)

Or if you want to share with me in advance of the meeting use the form at this link:
Weekly Check-in ("your name+email" is your password)

This week's topic question: What career change relationships do I need and how do I create them?

Something Interesting

Something I've come to genuinely believe: There's no such thing as a boring person. (Of course I may be the exception that proved the rule.)