Sunday, March 31, 2013

How to ask for help and get it.

Since discovering it I've been a big fan of the power of Self Determination Theory.

Self Determination Theory is a theory of what motivates people to act. A gross oversimplification is that when trying to get other people to do something for you it needs to be:
  1. Something they are interested in doing because they chose to do it. 
  2. Something they CAN do easily. 
  3. Something that helps bind them to the people they care about. 
I noticed this very short and interesting video from the DraftFCB Institute of Decision Making. It emphasizes the second element: Making the action you want others to take be something they CAN easily do. Check it out:

How to be the expert in the room.

What do you know? REALLY know.

Those things you've studied and that interest you. That you can't know enough about. And ironically that you know so well that you know you don't know all about. That knowing that you don't know gives you the confidence to be in the inquiry state. Of being what I call "in the question".

In the context of the job interview you should know all the obvious stuff so that the only things people can tell you are the things that only they know. This allows your questions to be based on insight rather than ignorance.

The person with the smartest answers is the person that asked the smartest questions.

Before an interview, ask and find the answers to these questions:
  • What do you know about the person across from you?
  • What do you know about their interests?
  • What do they value?
  • What do you know about their company?
  • What does it value?
  • What do you know about their industry?
  • What does it value?
  • What do you know about their competition?
  • What do they value?
  • What about all of the above do YOU value?
Know those things and you'll shine.

A branding guy thinks out loud

Marketing people (and I include branding people among them) have an unfortunately well earned reputation as being people that only care about the surface of things. Of logos, messaging, promotions, packaging, and presence.

I come at branding from a simple core philosophy. The strongest brands have a coherent and consistent BEING and DOING at their core. That's not to say what you say and how you say it isn't important. It is. But it's secondary to what you do and how you do it and WHY you do it.

More on this another time.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Agenda for 3/29/2013

Using Linkedin to discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Linkedin is a powerful platform for career developers.
Use it to research industries, organizations, positions, and individuals.
Compare your value proposition to those holding the positions you want.
Compare your value proposition to those competing with you for the positions you want.
Discover the credentials and experiences the marketplace values.

Following up on the positioning discussion from the last couple weeks we're going to explore the number one career research tool out there: Linkedin

DISCUSSION TOPIC:  "What can I do with Linkedin? (And how can I do it?)"